Don't park your car in a damp, poorly ventilated garage. This creates a favorable environment for corrosion.
This is particularly true if you wash your car in the garage or drive it into the garage when it is still wet or covered with snow, ice or mud. Even a heated garage can contribute to corrosion unless it is well ventilated so moisture is dispersed.
Side Airbag (SAB) Module Repair procedures
Front Side Airbag
Disconnect the battery negative cable and wait for at least 3 minutes before beginning work.
Remove the front seat assembly.
(Refer to Body - "Front Seat As ...
Front Strut Assembly Components and Components Location
1. Insulator cap2. Insulator assembly3. Spring upper pad4. Dust cover 5. Bump stopper6. Coil spring7. Spring lower pad8. Shock absorber
Components and Components Location
1. Backing plate2. Operating lever3. Upper spring4. Lower spring5. Adjuster6. Shoe hold down spring7. Shoe hold down pin8. Parking brake shoe9. Cup washer