Any claim or dispute you may have related to your vehicle's warranty or the duties contemplated under the warranty, including claims related to the refund or partial refund of your vehicle's purchase price (excluding personal injury or product liability claims), shall be resolved by binding arbitration. Binding arbitration shall be administered by and through the American Arbitration Association (AAA).
You will not be responsible for paying filing and hearing fees above $275.00. All other arbitration costs shall be borne by Hyundai Motor America. You are not responsible to pay any of the costs Hyundai incurs. This Binding Arbitration Agreement shall not deprive you of any remedies available to you under applicable law. The parties are waiving their right to seek remedies in court, including the right to a jury trial.
This Binding Arbitration Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted under the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. sections 1-16. Judgment upon any award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction.
You may revoke this Arbitration Agreement by (1) written notice or (2) electronic notice. Written notice must be delivered (via certified mail) to Hyundai Motor America, Attn: Consumer Affairs, 10550 Talbert Avenue, P.O. Box 20849, Fountain Valley, CA 92728-0849.
Electronic notice must be submitted at the following website address: h t t p : / / w a r r a n t y - a r b i t r a t i o n .
Notice must be received within 90 days after you purchase your vehicle.
Trouble Symptom Charts
Trouble Symptom 1
Trouble Symptom 2
Trouble symptomProbable causeRemedyThe set vehicle speed varies greatly upward or downward"Surging" (repeated alternating accelera ...
Catalytic Converter Description and Operation
The catalytic converter of the gasoline engine is a three way
catalyst. It oxidizes carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons (HC), and
separates oxygen from the oxides of nitrogen (NOx).
T ...
General Information
Basically, all measurements in this manual are taken with a tracking gauge.
When a measuring tape is used, check to be sure there is no elongation, twisting or bending.